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We want a European leadership that reflects Europe. All of Europe. Women too. Women and men should be equally represented when it comes to European leadership.
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[2019-05-22 19:15 UTC]

A solid team to take Europe forward on its path towards prosperity and social fairness 💪
I wish all Commissioners the best in this new, decisive mandate.

[2024-11-27 12:29 UTC]

We welcome the creation of the European Cloud Competition Observatory by
, as part of the settlement agreement with
👉ECCO will help to limit unfair licensing practices in the cloud market. That means more affordable choice for all 🇪🇺 cloud customers.

[2024-11-20 13:47 UTC]

RT by @vestager: The EU &amp; Singapore strengthen collaboration on AI safety with a new Administrative Arrangement (AA) that:
📍Fosters AI safety research;
📍Promotes innovation, development &amp; responsible use of AI;
📍Shares best practices for advancing human-centric AI systems.

The AA, which strengthens existing EU-SG digital partnership, was exchanged today during a bilateral meeting between EVP @vestager &amp; Minister @joteo_ylm


[2024-11-20 12:17 UTC]

For AI to thrive in our societies we need to ensure safe and trustworthy systems. Happy that we have now jointly signed cooperation between the European 🇪🇺 AI Office and the Singapore 🇸🇬 AI Safety Institute. Also very happy with the warm welcome by

[2024-11-20 10:18 UTC]

tied its classified ads service Facebook Marketplace to its personal social network
+ it imposed unfair trading conditions on competitors (eg Vinted, eBay, Le Bon Coin &amp; others)
This breaches
rules. We fine
€797.8 M for abusing dominance.

[2024-11-14 20:08 UTC]

Today we approve funding for 5 projects that will address defence capability gaps in 🇪🇺 &amp; increase support to 🇺🇦 with additional defence equipment.
This is the 1st time we use EU budget to support Member States in commonly procuring defence products 💪

[2024-11-14 12:56 UTC]

Posting of workers is part of the single market.
Our proposed e-declaration portal will help e.g:
👉reduce businesses’ admin burden
👉 facilitate their compliance with existing rules
👉make it easier for labour inspectors to enforce rules

[2024-11-13 15:17 UTC]

These days more than ever, we must stay loyal to the 🇪🇺 model, which is to create prosperity &amp; use that to create social welfare for people. Vivid competition to drive competitiveness.
If we give that up now, it is certain we will lose in the long run.

[2024-11-07 11:52 UTC]

RT by @vestager: 📍ENTRETIEN EXCLUSIF. La commissaire à la Concurrence Margrethe Vestager (@vestager) a affronté pendant dix ans les plus grosses firmes du monde. Elle tire sa révérence en décembre. Son interview sonne comme un testament politique.

Par @Eberretta

[2024-11-04 07:41 UTC]

Today we open a formal investigation to assess whether @temu may have breached the Digital Services Act.
We will check (e.g.):
👉whether TEMU did enough to prevent the presence of illegal traders
👉the risks of addictive design of the service

[2024-10-31 16:08 UTC]

Today we fine Teva 462 million euros for breaching
Teva abused dominance by:
👉disparaging its main competitor
👉misusing the patent system
Here’s 1 minute to explain the disparagement side of the story 👇📺

[2024-10-31 11:58 UTC]

In Paris
conference, I got the question: “do you regret Siemens/Alstom?”
In short: non, je ne regrette rien 😊
An “au revoir” but not an “adieu” to the very competent, caring competition community that I had a pleasure to work with👋

[2024-10-30 22:44 UTC]

📢Today, we concluded negotiations on the future competition cooperation agreement between 🇪🇺 &amp; 🇬🇧!
👉It will allow enforcers from
, EU national competition authorities &amp;
to cooperate directly in competition investigations - to the benefit of citizens.

[2024-10-29 14:33 UTC]

Flashback Friday😉
👉 Last week
we discussed the aftermaths of the
case win.
📣 We achieved important changes towards more fiscal justice over the last 10 years, thanks to the combination of
📍state aid enforcement
📍action at EU,
&amp; national levels

[2024-10-25 17:14 UTC]

👉we adopted concrete guidance for the development, deployment and use of safe &amp; trustworthy AI in the public sector
👉 we agreed next steps on the AI Hiroshima code of conduct reporting framework

[2024-10-15 20:33 UTC]

In Como 🇮🇹 for the last
meeting on Digital and Tech, we must advance on:
📍 governments' use of AI, in full respect of human rights
📍 a simple, efficient system for AI developers to report on how they implement the Hiroshima Code of Conduct for trustworthy AI

[2024-10-15 09:13 UTC]

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